Today mom took me to visit Santa for the very first time! He was great...he sat and listened to all of my Christmas wishes and the best part was he let me play with his beard and glasses!
We make a pretty good lookin' pair of dudes!
Cheesin' for mom....she loves that!
It was a great visit and I can't wait to see him again next year! Not to brag, but Santa was a pretty big Maddux fan as well. After our pictures were taken, he said, "I just have to turn this little boy around so I can talk to him some more since he's so stinkin' cute!" Santa's helpers really liked me too...I think those girls had a little crush on me! What can I say...when you got it, you've got it! Merry Christmas everyone!
Santa is right, he is a stinkin' cute little boy. Not so little though, he looks like he has grown again. Merry Christmas Maddux!