Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Capturing the Moment with my Monkey

My husband always gives me a hard time because when I take pictures, I don't just take one or two of the same thing, I take about 30 or 40! My response to him is always the same, "I'm capturing the moment"...I guess sometimes I just REALLY capture it. I think every picture captures a different expression and really shows a child's growth and personality. I know he likes to tease me about it, but when I finally download the pictures and see what I've "captured", I usually love what I see. It amazes me at how different the same baby can look in just a matter of seconds. So the other day, Addie and I were capturing the moment...and I sure am I glad we did because while looking through these pictures I feel so blessed to have such a beautiful and healthy baby girl! I love you monkey!
Possibly one of my absolute favorites

Classic Addie with her's so her
She loves to pucker her lips

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