Monday, June 20, 2011

Catching up...if that's possible! (Part 2)

...still catching up....

3 months and very alert

Maddux loves "helping" daddy with the yard work!

He loves to wrestle and tackle
His car he made at school to celebrate the Indy 500

Brotherly-sisterly love - even though Addie looks petrified

Maddux loved the "pober bear"

His favorite part of the zoo was touching the shark...he still talks about it today

Intense Elmo time--there is no interrupting Elmo's World

Finally...I think we are all caught up for now. Hopefully it won't be so long next time!

1 comment:

  1. Well, this left me with lots to look over. I'll have to come back tomorrow and look again, I'm sure I didn't take it all in the first time. But... first impression, love the 3 Kettlebar men picture. Maddux looks so little to be a "man!" Addie has changed so much, and I can't decide who she looks like. But she's beautiful. I want to go see the pober bear and shark with MDK. And, I love that he puts his hands behind his head like Uncle Mark to watch Elmo!
