Wednesday, May 20, 2009

2 Months Old - - Part 1

I'm getting pretty big these introduced me to this crazy blue chair and I really liked it...but I still needed a little help from mom

Whoa mom...don't leave me...

That's much better...I can see the world in this thing

This chair is pretty cool....can't wait until I don't need mom's help

Hi guys!

Just enjoying some playtime with my floormat

That big, colorful, loud thing (aka TV) is so cool...I can't take my eyes off of it are so silly

so sweet and innocent

see I do have my daddy's's too big for my mouth...thanks daddy

seriously, that tv is so entertaining...who needs toys?

well, here I am with my new gave me my first haircut and now I can style it all spikey like daddy's

I think I might have just passed gas...that felt pretty good

playtime is the best

this thing just cracks me up everytime...never fails
well what the world is that thing coming at my face...oh's my own hand
mom's still trying out my new chair...I'll get the hang of it soon
sometimes I just really have to focus!

Awww...that feels's kisses are the best
Mom and I just enjoying some time together
Daddy made fun of my outfit and said I look like a giant box of and I know that he just doesn't know fashion like we do...I look phenomenal
Tummy says this will make my neck stronger and stronger
This boppy tastes pretty least it's a change from the formula!
Bouncer time! bouncer is vibrating...and it feels good!
I could stare at the windows for hours!
Precious baby!

1 comment:

  1. love all of the pictures! He has the cutest mouth! ha! he looks like he's lovin' life though:)
