Saturday, December 24, 2011

where did the time go....

Clearly time has gotten away from me...again! With some much needed time off of work, I WILL get caught up this weekend! :) This post is already outdated before I even finish it, as the kids have grown a lot since September and October...but there were still some moments that I couldn't resist sharing! ENJOY!

Book time with daddy

Some use a spoon for their yogurt, Maddux drinks his....

Surfs up dude!

Snuggle time with daddy

PB & J in the "baby highchair"...sometimes we need to do what Addie does

Aggressive? No...not our kids!

Pucker up Ernie!

"Seepy Bear"


One of my absolute favorites

Sure they can both fit in one least for now

Maddux is giving his Pig from Toy Story a timeout...wonder what he did?

Brotherly-sisterly love

Must be a good movie

First time in the swing

Can't believe how old he is looking these days!

Cuddle time

Maddux and Daddy's first catch...

...and you have to let them go back to their home sometimes...

...but not without a kiss first!

A visit with Papa Hursey at the firehouse...think anyone is excited?

Future fireman

Sitting up all alone.....where did the time go??? Wasn't she just born?

1 comment:

  1. Oh thank goodness for some new posts!! And I must say, Addie's hat is totally adorable on her! Ema will love seeing it, so I'll have to send her a pic. I can't believe she is pulling herself up to everything! And MDK... what a convincing little fighting Irish football player. Great pics. Thanks for catching us up!
