Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Playtime with Mommy

Maddux really enjoys playtime with mommy...it's amazing how playtime has evolved over the last couple of weeks. In the beginning, there wasn't a lot of interaction and it seems like with every passing day, he's developing so much and we can actually play together. It's probably my favorite time of the day! :)


  1. I love his baby noises. Keep the video's coming. (and teach him how to say Aunt Julie)

  2. Mark wants to know if Maddux hears better at decibles that only dogs can hear....and he says Maddux is looking more and more like you all the time. I agree.

  3. OK...not nearly as good as being there, but thanks for posting the video! Wow, I can't figure out where he got those big eyes! By the way, you can just ignore Uncle Mark...he's an old fuddy duddy. (who I've heard talk baby talk to his own children, by the way)
