Happy Birthday Maddux! Hard to believe he is already two, but last weekend we celebrated his second birthday in style....Sesame Street style! We started the celebration Friday afternoon with his class at school. We brought cookies and balloons for the kids to play with...the balloons were a huge hit! Who knew punching balloons could be so fun! Then Saturday we continued the celebration with a birthday party with grandparents! We had a great time and Maddux received some terrific presents! We are trying to soak up every moment with this little man, because time is flying way too fast!

It's so entertaining to watch these two year olds sit at a table and interact...as adults would! Hilarious!
Breakfast before the party...looking pretty good considering he had a terrible sinus infection and fever

Our greeter
Wouldn't be a complete day if it wasn't started with an Elmo movie while he sat on his thrown...or lion chair!

Presents anyone?
Maddux didn't get too messy this year, but he was extremely tired by this point and quite frankly I just think he didn't know where to begin on this huge piece of cake! And if truth were told, he's much more an Oreo man than a cake man!
Happy 2nd Birthday Maddux Dean...Mommy and Daddy love you more than words can say!