Sunday, April 25, 2010

Fun in the Sun!

Spring is here which means fun times outside! Check out my Shamrock's going to get a lot of use during football season!

Where's the water??? I'm thirsty!

Cruisin' around the cul-d-sac!

I have a question!

Cheesin' big time for the camera! Look at all those teeth!

Lesson For Mom!

We buy our kids toys, toys, and more toys...and what do they want to play with EVERYDAY....the spice rack and tupperware! Lesson for mom...stop buying toys...they will never be as cool as the stuff in the kitchen!

"I Wanna Be Just Like You Daddy!"

There will be many times in our future where our children won't want to be a thing like us, so I'm going to cherish every minute when they do!