Sunday, June 28, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Three Months Old

Well, I started my third month of life with three big fun...I cried but only for a minute and then mom helped make it all better. I hope I don't have to do that to many more times
Mom got me some new socks because I grew out of my newborn socks...but I think these might be a little big...I don't really want thigh highs!
Once we got home from my shots...I crashed in my bouncer. I'm not sure what they put in those drugs...but they knocked me out!

I'm always so happy when I wake up from a nap...especially if I can manage to get my hands free from my Swaddle Me and suck on them!

Preparing for some hardcore tummy time!

I think I'm supposed to be lifting my head up here but I'm not really feeling it today! this really how this is supposed to work...

Is my head supposed to be resting on the ground with my butt and feet in the air??

I'm finally able to hold onto some of my toys...sometimes I hit myself in the head but it doesn't hurt too bad!

I'm big stuff here...2 toys at once while watching the that's talent!
My Great Uncle Tim and Aunt Mary sent me this cool new bouncy ball and mom and I bounce on it together and I just laugh and's like a little roller coaster for me!

Dad and I are watching mom on the computer...hopefully she'll think we're so cute that she'll come play with us! this is something. Mom was changing my diaper and I had my pacifier in my mouth. I have no idea how my pacifier got from my mouth to my eyeball...but it did...and then it STAYED there until mom moved it! I tried real hard to get it back in my mouth, but it just didn't work!

Just relaxing with my daddy watching gun shows!

Look how strong I'm getting...pretty soon I'm going to be all over this place!

But, I do get awfully tired holding my head up and I need to rest....with my thumb of course!

Hanging in my bouncer!

Mom has been trying my new toy...I think I'm still a little small but she stuffs some blankets around me and I do enjoy looking at everything!

I can't quite reach the bottom....thankfully mom lowered it so now I can touch the ground!

Regardless of how cool these new toys are, my fist is still the best toy in the world!

Snugglin' with my mommy

If I could just keep my head up, I might be able to grab that toy worm over there!

Anyone ready to box??

Mom had to go back to work and I tried really hard to stay awake for her arrival, but I just couldn't make it!

Playing with daddy...he's helping me get beary, beary strong!

Look at me...this is probably the best I've done with holding my head up!

And...I can hold my own bottle...okay...maybe not quite yet!

I'm getting to be so big that I do really enjoy just sitting on the couch and looking at the world from a whole new perspective!
And then, I relax on the floor and just look cute!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

My First Father's Day!

Wow...I had a big weekend...grandpa and grandma were in town, we went to the Westfield state finals baseball game, and we celebrated Father's Day for the first time...I am basausted...but it was fun! On Friday night, Grandpa and Grandma Morris came down to visit for the weekend. They brought my Great-Grandpa Ernie with them...he sure could make me laugh...and he even let me chew on his shirt until it was soaked!

Later Grandpa and Grandma gave me a you can tell from the picture...I'm not quite as tan as them. But in my defense, they just got back from Florida and mom and dad make me wear 70 SPF...I'll never catch any rays!
Grandpa was being silly and wearing my towel after bathtime...I tried to tell him that I thought it was a little small...but he insisted!
Before bedtime, they read me a bedtime story...they read me one of my mom's favorites...The Clown Arounds!

Saturday morning, Grandma worked on tummy time with me using a new method with our big ball and it was fun. I keep getting stronger and stronger!
Saturday afternoon mom introduced the pool to me for the first time...and I loved it.

We only stayed in for about 10-15 minutes because it was a scorcher out!
But I'm pretty big stuff...I'm practically loungin' in my own pool all by myself...with a little help from mom!
Saturday night we were going downtown to eat dinner and go to the Westfield High School state baseball I took a pre-game nap here on Grandpa!

Here I am at the baseball game...I needed just a little power nap to make it through the whole game!

Here I am with dad at the was my first game and it was a good one...unfortunately, we lost in the 8th inning! Someday I'll get to play out there too!

Here we are with the field behind us...we look pretty good!

Happy Father's Day daddy! I got daddy a bunch of great gifts...with mom's help!
After a bottle and gifts, we got all dressed up and headed out for Mitchell's Fish Market! It was a great day...and I'm pretty sure I have the best daddy in the world. I love you daddy!