Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Maddux Dean Kettlebar

The pictures are in reverse order....sorry...still new at the whole blog thing...day one is last and day 4 is first!

Maddux Dean Kettlebar was born on Friday, March 27, 2009 at 11:47am. He weighed in at 7lbs. 13oz and was 20.5 inches long. Some of you may have heard that about 24 hours after birth, it was discovered that Maddux had an intestinal blockage and needed surgery so that he could eat and have a bowel movement. As a mother, you never want to hear that your 2 day old son is going to have surgery, but we knew that God would see him through and he did just that. Maddux had surgery first thing Sunday morning, March 29th and he's recovering wonderfully. We still haven't been able to bring him home, but we're hoping that we can tomorrow...Wednesday, April 1. He's eating like a champion and has become quite the little pooping machine. It's amazing to me what all he has overcome at only 4 days old...he's truly my little hero and I can't imagine one minute without him in our lives. I hope everyone enjoys the pictures...he's adorable! :)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Maddux's Nursery

Well, I guess I'm officially a mom now because I'm blogging...whatever that means exactly. Everyone will have to bear with me as I figure this whole thing out. However, I do agree that it'll be easier for everyone to see what is going on in our lives through this whole blog thing!

I wanted to post pictures of our nursery...it's almost finished. We still have some decor to hang up...but everything else is done. Enjoy the pictures.